Sunday, January 21, 2007

Media Checklist

1. It varies, but I would say about once per day. I would say that I call my parents the most often.

2. I went to a medical conference with my dad in Pittsburgh. He is a physician, and the speaker talked about the dangers of cigarettes.

3. I use IM very frequently, perhaps probably too much. I chat frequently with Katie Reesey and Jeremy Alberth, both Westminster College students.

4. I check my email every day, and I'd say I send an average of about one message per day.

5. I paid for a CD that I purchased in the Shenango Valley mall.

6. The AFC Championship game. I wanted to see if Peyton Manning could finally take his team to the Super Bowl.

7. I recorded the game show "Deal or No Deal", because I enjoy watching the excitement and anticipation of average people risking large amounts of money.

8. In the theater I most recently saw Rocky. On DVD it was the Wizard of Oz.

9. The last radio station that I listened to was Titan Radio, because it has good music and is one of few FM stations that get quality reception in this area.

10. The last book I read was called Strange Son. It is about a mother with an autistic son, and I wanted to learn more about the mysterious disorder.

11. I read the Sharon Herald yesterday morning. I just wanted to get a beat on what is going on in this community, as well as the community in which I live.

12. A few years ago I paid for a subscription for Sports Illustrated.

13. As funny as this may sound, I don't think I've ever handwritten a letter and sent it in the mail!

14. The International Trombone Association. I play the trombone, and on this website there is useful information on it.

15. I have Facebook and Myspace, but don't blog on either of those. My only other blog is this one here. I use Myspace and Facebook to keep in touch with people, and to contact others that I haven't spoken to in a long time.

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