Saturday, March 24, 2007

The name's Doubtfire, dear

Robin Williams can make you laugh, he can make you cry, and he can even make you think. "Mrs. Doubtfire" is his best performance to date and also the funniest film of the 90s. Daniel Hillard (Williams) is a father of three who is very much a kid himself. After throwing a birthday party for his 12 year-old son who is failing in school, his angered and upper-class wife Miranda (Sally Field) files for divorce. Their yelling scene in the kitchen is one of the great dramatic moments in the movie. The courts decide to award full custody to Miranda for three months until Daniel can prove he is a suitable parent. This won't do for Daniel has to see his children more then once a week. He decides to go to his gay brother, a makeup artist, and transform himself into a 65 year-old woman and pose as a nanny Miranda needs to look over the kids. Not only will he be able to hang with them, but he also will be getting $300 a week. The disguise works and the rest is movie magic. "Mrs. Doubtfire" is 125 mins. yet feels too short. I wanted more when it ended. Williams has such talent here. His voices are hilarious and Mrs. Doubtfire is a scream. Sally Field also does a very good job as Miranda Hillard, who seems upset that just because she's an organized woman people detest it. People, that is, except Pierce Bronsan, her new boyfriend Daniel is mad jelous of. Field's anger scene in the finale in a restaurant is True Sally Field. Great film, the best of the comedy genre in the 90s.

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